Overview of CommandsΒΆ

For local files the following commands are available:

api             Get API of the server.
apply           List documents.
archive         Create tgz archive in the current directory of all...
attach          Take a file and put into media folder.
authenticate    Authenticate with remote and get token.
browse          Convert to html and attempt to load in web browser.
configure       Get configuration information from user.
context         Set or unset a tag context filter for listings.
convert         Convert to destination_format and print to stdout or save...
create          Create a new document.
decrypt         Decrypt a document.
delete          Delete a document.
describe        Show document details.
diff            Compare two documents.
edit            Edit a document.
encrypt         Encrypt a document.
find            Search for spec in contents of docs.
generate-index  Iterate document directory and output index json to...
head            Send start of document to stdout.
info            Provide configuration information.
kind            Change kind of document.
ls              List documents.
path            Show local disk path for document.
ping            Ping server.
purge           Delete documents of zero size.
push            Push all documents to the server.
read            Get input from stdin and either create a new document or...
register        Try to setup a new user account on remote.
rename          Rename a document.
rls             List documents.
show            Send contents of document to stdout.
status          Print info about current setup.
sync            Pushes local docs and pulls docs from remote.
tag             Manage tags.
tags            List all tags.
tail            Send end of document to stdout.
take            Import a file as a document.
user-pref       Show or set user preferences.
verify          Check docs exist.