Specifying Documents

All the commands that operate on one or more documents will take as a name one of the following:

  • Document title (or case-insensitive sub-string of the title)

  • Document id (a UUID)

  • Short document id (first 8 characters of full id)

The document id is a UUID that looks something like this:


The short document id is therefore 3ccc3fcc. I can use the describe command to get full information about this document:

➜  yd describe 3ccc3fcc
uid      : 3ccc3fcc-5acc-11e5-b07d-ac87a33b7daa
link     : False
title    : Project Management
location : default
kind     : md
size     : 1563
digest   : 0899f1728b9b653f8477a64b6fa5f750b87bd2a77a716dfe0eeeb91ae90b8fc4
path     : /Users/paul/.yew.d/yewser/default/3ccc3fcc-5acc-11e5-b07d-ac87a33b7daa/doc.md
Last modified: 2015-09-16 19:07:16+00:00

I can also use a part of the title:

yd describe project

If more than one title has the string project, it will provide a list to choose from.

Use the id to be very exact:

yd describe 3ccc3fcc-5acc-11e5-b07d-ac87a33b7daa

or the short id:

yd describe 3ccc3fcc